Tips of the Month
- Mulch bare soil
- Remove grassy weeds
- Fertilize Pansies and other winter annuals with organic fertilizer
- Cut perennials, ornamental grasses, Liriope, Vinca Minor, Vinca Major, Purple Winter Creeper, and Asian Jasmine to the ground
- Prune summer flowering shrubs & roses
- Do not prune spring flowering shrubs
- Fertilize with organic fertilizer
- Remove winter weeds
- Mulch bare soil
- Prune trees
- Test your sprinkler system to ensure it is in good operating condition
- Fertilize all planting areas with organic fertilizer
- Mulch bare soil
- Plant Petunias and other cool season annuals
- Plant seasonal color
- Mulch bare soil
- Mow regularly and leave clippings on the ground
- Pinch off Chrysanthemum buds
- Prune flowering shrubs after they have stopped blooming
- Mow regularly and leave clippings on the ground
- Mechanically aerate lawn
- Plant seasonal color
- Mulch bare soil
- Pinch off Chrysanthemum buds
- Prune away all dead and diseased wood
- Release beneficial insects
- Fertilize lawns and planting areas with organic fertilizer
- Mulch Rose beds
- Trim asters back by half to keep them tight until bloom time
- Mow regularly and leave clippings on the ground
- Mulch bare soil
- Pinch off Chrysanthemum buds
- Increase watering to match heat
- Mow regularly and leave clippings on ground
- Watch for red spider mites on Marigold, Junipers, and Verbena
- Mulch bare areas
- Prune dead or diseased wood
- Install hardscapes and water features
- Increase watering to match heat
- Mow regularly and leave clippings on the ground
- Mechanically aerate lawn
- Mulch bare soil
- Prune dead or diseased wood
- Stop pinching off Chrysanthemum buds the first of the month
- Mow as needed
- Mulch bare soil
- Last chance to hydromulch or seed Bermuda or Buffalo grass
- Fertilize all potted plants with organic fertilizer
- Prune dead or diseased wood
- Fertilize all planting areas and lawn
- Divide lilies
- Plant seasonal color (Kale or Pansies)
- Add mulch to bare areas
- Mow once per week at three-and-a-half-inch height
- Prune dead or diseased wood
- Divide perennials
- Pull up spent annuals
- Force indoor bulbs
- Plant cool season grasses such as Fescue and Rye
- Mulch bare soil
- Begin major tree pruning
- Fertilize Pansies and other winter annuals with organic fertilizer
- Remove dead and diseased leaves and wood
- Sow wildflower seeds
- Mow cool-season grasses and winter weeds
- Prune and remove Mistletoe
- Fertilize Pansies and other winter annuals with organic fertilizer